The BACK TO LIFE projects in Iraq and Germany support women and children who have survived the genocidal attacks of IS to help them cope with and heal from trauma, learn new skills and find their way back to a self-determined life. With the help of culturally sensitive psychosocial support, literacy and handicraft courses, as well as educational workshops on topics such as women’s rights and entrepreneurship, the participants grow beyond their role as victims and become confident actors within Iraqi society – or, if they have been granted asylum – in Germany.
The BACK TO LIFE projects build on each other through measures designed to on the one hand address the root causes of displacement and human flight in Iraq and on the other ensure a successful integration into German society. Ever since the Yazidi Genocide in 2014, many ISIS survivors still live in refugee and IDP camps across Iraq, Syria and Turkey. Within a number of Special Quota Programs, around 1,170 ISIS survivors, who had been classified as particularly vulnerable, were granted asylum in Germany along with their families.