4. August 2022 – LEARN to ImpACT
Climate Crisis, Armed conflicts and poverty in the global South. Racism, homophobia and other kinds of discrimination here in Germany. The list of crises and social injustices is long and young people often feel helpless when faced with the complexity of these problems.
Those and other socially relevant topics, are the focus of our new Instagram channel hawar.impact. Through the channel we would like to enter into an exchange with young people and accompany the educational work of HÁWAR.help. The channel will focus on issues that move young people on an emotional level, but also encourage them to rethink and act.
Therefore ImpAct tells personal stories that are relatable to young people and lets them build a bridge between the stories told and their own actions.
Besides well researched background information on current developments in the field of human rights and anti-discrimination, external voices from activists or people with personal experience in the field will get a chance to speak.
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