On August 15, 2021, the Taliban took over Afghanistan and captured the capital, Kabul. As a result, two decades of progress had been wiped out overnight, and the hard-won progress on women’s rights is now in jeopardy. As part of our work in and for Afghanistan, we started the fundraising campaign “Defend Afghan Women’s Rights” and continue to report on the situation in the country and give those affected a voice to this day. It is immensely important to continue reporting on the country and the situation on the ground in order to keep up public awareness. Since April 2023, HÁWAR.help has also been supporting an Afghan partner organization that runs shelters for women and girls in Kabul.The BACK TO LIFE shelters in Kabul offer women and their children a safe haven from sexualized violence and forced marriage. They receive medical and psychotherapeutic support as well as creative group therapy sessions to help them deal with their trauma. They can also take part in various educational programs. The children can go to kindergarten in the shelters and learn to read and write there. The aim is to enable women and children to find their way back to life.
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