16. August 2021 – SCORING GIRLS*
Most of us feel nervous before a job interview. To overcome those nerves, the recruiters at Deutsche Bahn gave the participants of SCORING GIRLS* Career all the important tools, tips and tricks to ace every job interview!
To begin with, the recruiters described a typical job interview at Deutsche Bahn, which would start with an introductory round and a personal presentation of the applicant, as well as of their CV. Subsequently, the applicants would be asked to explain their motivation for the job or apprenticeship. Before closing the interview, they would typically be asked certain relevant technical questions.
During the workshop, every phase of the interview was discussed in detail. Participants had the opportunity to ask questions and practice during brief exercises. The direct feedback was very helpful for the young women*.
One recruiter emphasised that the openness, authenticity and motivation of the applicant are absolutely crucial. Encouragingly, she added: “it is perfectly normal for nerves to flutter, but practice makes perfect, even in job interviews”.
We wish the SCORING GIRLS* success in their upcoming interviews and thank our partner Deutsche Bahn for this informative workshop.