14. July 2022 – LEARN to ImpACT
Human rights violations, international conflicts, poverty, environmental destruction – many developments of our time challenge us enormously as a society and often leave young people feeling helpless. Our new educational project LEARN to ImpACT aims to counteract this and give young people the opportunity to become actively involved in development policy issues. The focus themes we offer are war and violence, poverty and global inequality, and climate flight.
In our first LEARN to ImpACT workshop focusing on war and violence at the Friedrich Ebert School in Hürth, we put our new concept into practice: With a total of four classes, we used the genocide of the Yazidis as a case study to talk about human rights and what it means when these rights are violated. LEARN to ImpACT focuses on raising awareness of international conflicts and development policy issues, but above all on possible ways of dealing with them. In our workshop, young people develop their own creative ideas that provide initial approaches to solving the challenges and crises of our time.
In our workshops, we use the Design Thinking method, which gives young people the opportunity to develop their own ideas and put words into action, translating the knowledge and understanding gained in the workshop into concrete action to contribute to a socially responsible society in the globalized world.